Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Steno comics from the early 20th century.

I never liked history when I was a kid. But, I was lucky enough to have one of those teachers in high school who knew how to light the fire of interest in one subject or another. For me, that teacher was Mr. Wise. My love for history can be traced directly to his American History class.

So it will come as no surprise that I enjoy browsing websites such as the Library of Congress: Chronicling America - Historic American Newspapers. Yeah, I'm a history geek.

I was searching for old articles about stenography and came upon these comics. Unlike the comics we see today, these aren't funny. They're dated, they're sexist; and, frankly, they are kinda weird.

We've come a long way, baby! (Click comic to enlarge)

Eddie's Friends published in the El Paso Herald, May 29, 1920.

Sally Snooks from the Los Angeles Sunday Herald, Sept 8, 1907.

Sally Snooks from the Los Angeles Herald, Sept 15, 1907.


  1. This is cool. Court reporting agency before has changed a lot! It's funny that they still have this kind of copy, a remembrance that can help inspire many court reporters. I've known a site about court reporting agency, All about court reporting is here. Thanks. And I hope this helps.

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  3. What a cool cartoon post. Thanks for sharing this comics. It's entertaining.

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