Sunday, February 20, 2011

Speedbuilding tip - Know your shorthand system.

It's been a while since I've posted a tip from the book 61+ Ways to Write Faster. This tip is about how important it is to know your shorthand theory.

Your shorthand system is very important. It is to shorthand writing what a foundation is to a building. Shorter shorthand systems (less strokes and more
abbreviations) tend to be faster systems. While this principle is disputed by
some, so was the principle that the world was round. Both postulates have proven
themselves with time and advanced knowledge.

Whatever your system, don't even think about changing it during a test. While there are some "pros" who have great facility at this skill, for most it will result in hesitation, mental confusion and more errors. "Briefs" on the run usually result in "drops", "mangled outlines" and "chaos" during transcription.

Boy, do I know that feeling! It seems like I'm always "briefing" words during a test. And I don't think there's ever been a time when I've been able to decipher those briefs when I'm transcribing my tape.

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