Saturday, January 8, 2011

61+ Ways to Write Faster

I just ordered the book, 61+ Ways to Write Faster from the National Court Reporters Association online store. Shop online here. I decided to buy it when I read a couple of tips from the book that I hadn't seen anywhere else, so I thought I'd splurge and buy it. Actually it's not expensive if you're a member of NCRA. ($13.45)

I hope it arrives soon!

Here are a couple of tips from the book:

1. Practice in the dark. Initially, I thought this suggestion was to help those who look at their keyboards. (A no-no, by the way.) But practicing in the dark helps your concentration. Hmmm, who knew?

2. Read your perfect notes out loud. I don't read my notes as often as I should, and when I do, I always search out my mistakes so I know what strokes I'm missing. That's helpful too, but you should read your perfect notes for reinforcement. I used to read my StenEd Reader for perfect notes, but I've long stopped doing that. Reading your own notes for reinforcement makes perfect sense. Additionally, it's a great confidence booster to see how well you're doing!

3. Practice to strengthen your weak hand. If you have a weak hand (one hand makes more mistrokes than the other), practice to dictation only writing the parts of the outline that you would with your weak hand. Do this for one minute. Then switch, and use the same technique using your strong hand. Do this for 3-5 mins every day, and you will begin to train THE RIGHT AND LEFT SIDE OF YOUR BRAIN TO CONNECT THE STROKES. This is such a cool idea! I'm not sure if I have a weak/strong hand, but I'm still going to do this type of practice because it's so unusual.

Happy writing, ya'll!


  1. Great techniques! Thank you for sharing. #3 is definitely on the list of things to try.

  2. Knowing I spilled hot oatmeal all over my left hand and burnt it Court Reporter Bound sent me this link. I'm probably going to have to do #3 for a while.


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