Sunday, October 17, 2010

More commonly used words

Every steno student has studied, practiced and memorized the 100 most commonly used words in the spoken English language, right? Well, I've found an interesting list of the most commonly used words in printed material through W.E.B. DuBois Learning Center's website. It's slightly different than what you're used to seeing since it's for published material and not the spoken word. It's ranked in order of use and is excellent practice material. I've printed out each page and placed it on my typing stand. That's a total of 1,000 words that I'm going to use for my daily drills. If I can get these words to fall naturally under my fingers without hesitation, my speedbuilding classes will be a helluva lot more fun!

Here are the links if you're interested:

First 100 most commonly used words

Second 100 most commonly used words

Third 100 most commonly used words

Fourth 100 most commonly used words

Fifth 100 most commonly used words

Sixth 100 most commonly used words

Seventh 100 most commonly used words

Eighth 100 most commonly used words

Ninth 100 most commonly used words

Tenth 100 most commonly used words

1 comment:

  1. Cool links! Thanks for sharing. I like that these are for the spoken word instead of written. I'll be practicing these later tonight.


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